Weekly Update – 21/10/2019

Dear all,
We hope you have all had great weekends. To run over what we got up to last week here at TRAIN, highlights include:
- Young Women’s Group – young people engaging well in a Drugs and Alcohol focused session.
- Young Men’s Group – this week centred around enhancing the young men’s awareness of the UK voting system through team building games and discussions.
- Dinner and Debate – a fun session, building the young people’s communication and debating skills through various questions from the book ‘The World Cup of Everything’!
- Football – young people had another great kickabout at Edmunds.
- Detached – many young people were met out on detached, a great opportunity as always for building rapport.
We also had exciting news, launching our Head Start Programme for year 6’s attending local primary schools. The group mentoring programme will be centred around topics of well-being, mental health, positive behaviour and self-esteem. We welcome any Primary Schools interested to please get in touch.
Also congratulations to TRAIN volunteers Rhonda and Darren who were runners up for The John Eldridge Award at this year’s Didcot Town Council Awards Evening for their volunteering over the past year. Both are incredible assets to TRAIN, going above and beyond to support our work: not only in their support to our regular provision, but for example securing tickets to shows at the Cornerstone, organising a walk for young people round White Horse Hill, Darren joining on our residential to France this Summer, amongst much more! We are hugely thankful for their dedication to TRAIN and inspired by their commendable generosity to the community as a whole, so appreciate the recognition they gained from the Council at the ceremony.
The evening itself was a brilliant opportunity to celebrate all the work being carried out by so many in Didcot to better the lives of those around them. A really inspiring occasion.
It is also important that we thank the rest of the TRAIN Volunteer team for their dedicated support to us and who are all hugely worthy of awards as well! The energy, ideas and enthusiasm they bring to TRAIN and the young people is huge part of what makes TRAIN the positive, inspiring place to be that it is. We are incredibly grateful for them all.
On that note, we hope you all have good weeks and please feel free as always to get in touch with us if you have any questions for us on 01235 519315 or through info@didcottrain.org.uk.
Kind regards,
The TRAIN Team