Weekly Update – 04/11/2019

Dear all,
Last week made quite a lively end to October at TRAIN, having a few different activities on for half-term which included:
- Kickboxing – a brilliant session delivered by Lisa which a number of young people. The activity proved a really positive release for each, all enjoying learning the techniques, most taking it really quite seriously!
- Movie night – lots of young people came along for a relaxed evening watching a film and tucking into pizza.
- Pumpkin Carving at Dinner and Debate
- Thorpe Park – young people had an exciting (and brave) trip to Thorpe Park’s Fright Night on Friday evening. Grumbles raised when the time came to reconvene and return home shows how thoroughly the night was enjoyed!
With young people obviously being out and about around the town more so than usual, much detached and outreach was also held across the week. This supported our ability to react to individual’s arising needs, supporting where we could and offering reminders of the additional activities we had on across the week.
Our regular timetable will run this week, with the addition of our new Head Start group mentoring Programme. The programme, focused around topics including mental health, positive behaviour and self-esteem, will take place both in primary schools and as an open session at the office for Year 6’s and 7’s. Considering the local demand for wider support for those below the age of 11, we are really very excited to begin running the programme and observing its outcomes.
If you are aware of a young person who may be interested in coming along to the open session Wednesday evenings 6-7pm, please get in touch with us to sign them up! Take a look at the project page for further details.
With that, we hope you all have great weeks as we head into November and please get in touch if you have any questions.
Kind regards,
The TRAIN Team