COVID-19 Update

TRAIN’s Trustees are taking the coronavirus outbreak very seriously. Intending to maintain delivery as much as possible, we must also abide by our duty of care to our employees and the young people TRAIN supports.
Considering the updated government guidelines, the decision has been made to pause all TRAIN’s face to face delivery for the time being. All provision will instead be run virtually, including former group sessions and also with added new opportunities – please see our renewed timetable below.
This will ensure staff can continue to reach out to young people and vice versa in this confusing and unsettling time for them. Young people can connect with the Youth Work team and gain updates on sessions through friending them on Facebook: @JustinaTRAIN @LisaTRAIN @CharlotteTRAIN @HarryTRAIN.
Explore More 2020 has also been postponed due to the travel restrictions in place and insurance implications. TRAIN will seek to schedule alternative dates once circumstances change. T
he Trustees are continuing to follow government advice as well as listening to other youth charities in Oxfordshire, actively seeking to minimise risk for each aspect of delivery.
In the meantime, please do feel free to get in touch if you have any questions at all in regards to any of the above by: emailing, calling 07305042427 or messaging us through Facebook @DidcotTRAIN.
We do hope you are all keeping well through these difficult circumstances.