Weekly Update 17.08.20

We hope everyone’s had great weekends ?
In between quizzes and polls posted for young people to have some fun with, other highlights from our provision here last week included:
- Road safety awareness – Charlotte created a great worksheet based on THINK! advice and guidelines, to enhance young people’s understandings of the importance in behaving cautiously and sensibly when on the roads, as well as encouraging thinking around the environmental friendliness of different forms of transport.
- Tutorials – Lisa was busy on the tutorials last week, demoing to young people how to speedily whip up a tasty fruit salad to help them cool down in the heat and saving an energetic fitness routine for one of the less so sunny days later on in the week!
- 1:1 mentoring sessions – young people signed up to our 1:1 mentoring programme benefited from their next week of sessions with Justina, working through various topics and personal issues to help them come out the other side of the programme with more positive, confident mindsets for the future.
- 1:1 check-in’s – continuing to ensure young people know staff are there for them and being valuable for a number of much appreciated catch ups. Making themselves available was particularly important on Thursday, considering it being A-Level Results day so that any young people feeling anxious or down about their results were able to get in touch with Youth Workers for support.
- Challenges – Charlotte created another grid challenge take a look below), this time ‘about you’ themed. We’re looking forward to hearing how people get on over the next 30 days!
To hear more about what we are getting up to day to day we encourage you to keep an eye on our @DidcotTRAIN Facebook and Twitter pages. Or if interested in receiving email notifications for our weekly updates and monthly newsletter, please head to the bottom of our homepage for the sign up link!
As always, the Youth Work team will be posting all they are each individually offering for across the coming week through their professional accounts so we recommend advising young people to add/friend them to keep in the know or to get in touch for support:
Facebook: @JustinaTRAIN, @LisaTRAIN, @CharlotteTRAIN and @HarryTRAIN.
Instagram: @charlottedidcottrain @lisadidcottrain @justina.train @harry.train.7568
They are also very welcome to call them in their working hours (see the following page for numbers).
If interested in finding out more about Justina’s brilliant 6 week 1:1 Mentoring Programme please head to the following page for further information or contact Justina via email or Facebook: justina@didcottrain.org.uk @JustinaTRAIN
Otherwise keep taking care and making the most of the sun when it does appear through this on and off weather we’ve had the past days! A heartfelt thank you for your continual support and please don’t hesitate to get in touch if you ever have any questions or queries for us. We’d love to hear from you.
Best wishes,
The TRAIN Team