Weekly Update 01.09.20

Happy September! Can you believe…
We hope those of you who were fortunate to have the bank holiday had really enjoyable weekends.
A few bits and bobs last week here at TRAIN brought with it:
- Lots and lots of one to one check in’s with young people
- Interactive Instagram polls for Lunch and Dinner & Debate sessions which many young people enjoyed joining in with – from a lighthearted fun batch to a drugs & alcohol themed series of questions.
- A drugs & alcohol worksheet to enhance young people’s awareness of healthier ways of coping with difficult situations to taking d&a, what they can do in an emergency if someone has taken d&a and become unwell and local services where they can gain further support.
- Tutorials and other supportive online content.
- 1:1 mentoring sessions – another week of positive sessions with young people signed up to our 1:1 mentoring programme with Justina, supporting them in building their self-esteem and skill sets to boost their confidence for taking on challenges and opportunities into the future.
The end of August also brought with it sad news, as we said goodbye to Harry who has transitioned on from TRAIN to exciting opportunities ahead. Us and all the young people he has supported whilst here are going to miss him very much (as well as his photo updates of Merlin – the fluffiest cat alive!) We wish him all the very best.
The start to the new academic year always seems to come with a bit of a switch up of things here at TRAIN too. This year in the form of 2 new job posts we have available! For further information on the vacancies and how to apply, please head to our jobs page.
The rest of the coming week will see us supporting young people as they ease back into school, a strange time for many who have been out the classroom for many months. Staff will be ensuring to check in with young people to see how they are finding things and to make themselves available for conversations for those who might be experiencing anxiety in the transition, as well as those who would simply like a general chit chat.
To keep in the know about what activities and support the Youth Work team are offering through their professional social media accounts, we recommend advising young people adding/friending them:
Facebook: @JustinaTRAIN, @LisaTRAIN and @CharlotteTRAIN
Instagram: @charlottedidcottrain @lisadidcottrain @justina.train
They are also very welcome to call them in their working hours (see the following page for numbers).
If interested in keeping in the know more yourselves, if you head to the bottom of our homepage, a sign up link is available to receive email notifications for our weekly updates and monthly newsletter!
As we all ease into the month, schools recommence and become used to the new ‘normal’ and it continues to be a time of change for many of you, we hope it comes to be a smooth week for you all. Please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions for us and keep taking care.
Best wishes,
The TRAIN Team