Coming at ya 2021!

We hope everyone had good Christmases, even if not quite the same.
With the recent Government announcement’s, we’re going into the new year running the majority of our provisions online for the week, with the exception of Detached which we are continuing to run as normal around the town. Please see the timetable below to see what we have going on.
As listed on the timetable, young people just need to follow/friend the Youth Work team’s TRAIN social media accounts to keep in the know about their virtual sessions and to get involved.
For an overview of our last few months of the year, you might like to have a read of our latest newsletter:…/october-december…/
2021 might not be treating us all too nicely so far, but let’s not let it get the better of us!!
Please always feel free to get in touch if you have any questions for us. Sending our very best wishes to everyone and we hope that although it may be a challenging time, that the new year will also bring us all lots to be grateful for